competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Pratiyogita darpan monthly in English - No 1

 Pratiyogita darpan monthly in English - No 1

Pratiyogita darpan monthly in English - No 1 magazine in India subscribe published this article page no 9 this is a way for you to give of your talents  use the leadership and influence skills that you have to encourage others to give  if you own a business match employee contributions to relief efforts  if you are involved in any sort of organization start a fund raising effort  a colleague of mine sent an email saying he would match any gifts given by those on his list up to a total of $500  every person could do this  ask yourself who you could influence and how you could personally help increase giving  get creative!  and get started say a prayer regardless of your religious beliefs or how you would state this say a prayer  say one for those who have lost family  for those who have lost their homes  for those who are sick or thirsty or hungry  and say a special prayer those involved in rescue and recovery efforts - those giving of themselves to make things better for others keep your perspective  it is sometimes hard to keep a healthy perspective as you watch the events on television  it is easy to let the worry and concern become overwhelming  do yourself a favor and dont let these events overpower your life  be grateful for your situation  rethink how upset or frustrated you become at little inconveniences or challenges because these situations mean little in the bigger scheme of things and the events of recent days should make this very clear to us conserve  pratiyogita darpan pdf download.

 Pratiyogita darpan monthly in English - No 1

Friday, July 23, 2021

banking services chronicle march 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle march 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle march 2021 pdf  Published this article page no   Politics in all its forms is bankrupt. The notion that we can safely and successfully hand over the management of our daily lives and the setting of priorities to a political class or elite is thoroughly discredited. Politicians cannot be trusted regardless of the system in which they operate. No set of constraints checks and balances is proved to work and mitigate their unconscionable acts and the pernicious effects these have on our welfare and longevity. Ideologies  from the benign to the malign and from the divine to the pedestrian  have driven the gullible human race to the verge of annihilation and back. Participatory democracies have degenerated everywhere into venal plutocracies. Socialism and its poisoned fruits  MarxismLeninism Stalinism Maoism  have wrought misery on a scale unprecedented even by medieval standards. Only Fascism and Nazism compare with them unfavorably. The idea of the nationstate culminated in the Yugoslav succession wars. People are voting with their feet. Most elections draw to the ballot boxes and the polling stations less than half the electorate. Three models seem to be emerging as the dominant forms of future politics I. Anarchism both destructive international terrorism for example and constructive the Internet for instance. II. Participatory democracy both destructive mob rule and coups and constructive people power especially in Asia and Latin America. III. In certain countries mainly in the West a disenchanted and uninterested citizenry will relegate power and vest it in various oligrachies forfeiting its decisionmaking prerogatives altogether and permanently in return for material welfare and personal safety. banking services chronicle march 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf

 banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf

banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf  Knowledge is Power goes the old German adage. But power as any schoolboy knows always has negative and positive sides to it. Information exhibits the same duality properly provided it is a positive power of unequalled strength. Improperly disseminated and presented it is nothing short of destructive. The management of the structure content provision and dissemination of information is therefore of paramount importance to a nation especially if it is in its infancy as an independent state. Information has four dimensions and five axes of dissemination some vertical and some horizontal. The four dimensions are Structure – information can come in various physical forms and poured into different kinds of vessels and carriers. It can be continuous or segmented cyclical periodic or punctuated repetitive or new etc. The structure often determines what of the information if at all will be remembered and how. It encompasses not only the mode of presentation but also the modules and the rules of interaction between them the hermeneutic principles the rules of structural interpretation which is the result of spatial syntactic and grammatical conjunction. Content – This incorporates both ontological and epistemological elements. In other words both hard data which should in principle be verifiable through the employment of objective scientific methods – and soft data the interpretation offered with the hard data. The soft data is a derivative of a message in the broader sense of the term. A message comprises both worldview theory and an action and directioninducing element. Provision – The intentional input of structured content into information channels. The timing of this action the quantities of data fed into the channels their qualities – all are part of the equation of provision. Dissemination – More commonly known as media or information channels. The channels which bridge between the information providers and the information consumers. Some channels are merely technical and then the relevant things to discuss would be technical bandwidth noise to signal ratios and the like. Other channels are metaphorical and then the relevant determinants would be their effectiveness in conveying content to targeted consumers. In the economic realm there are five important axes of dissemination From Government to the Market – the Market here being the Hidden Hand the mechanism which allocates resources in adherence to market signals for instance in accordance with prices. banking services chronicle november 2019 pdf