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Thursday, June 17, 2021

competition success review magazine march 2021

 competition success review magazine march 2021

competition success review magazine march 2021  Published this articles page no 130  Increase in the income of farmers through activities like apiculture mushroom cultivation bamboo production agroforestry vermi compost and agroprocessing for generating additional jobs and income for farm families. Prime Minister has also suggested that we should develop methods by which farmers income can be doubled within the next five years. l Settingup several corpus funds to complete ongoing irrigation p r o d u c t i o n  m o d e r n i s e d infrastructure in dairy cooperatives and strengthen the adoption of inland and marine aquaculture. l A b o v e a l l  t h e r e c e n t announcement of remunerative price based essentially on the recommendation of NCF is a very important step to ensure the economic viability and attractiveness of farming. l While the Government has ensured in its notification that from Kharif 2018 onwards the MSP of the notified crops would be minimum of 150 per cent of the cost of production it is noteworthy that it ranges from 150 to even upto 200 per cent for coarse cereals which will provide an incentive to the farmers in achieving our objective of improving the nutritional intake of our population. competition success review magazine march 2021


competition success review magazine march 2021

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