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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine 

shine india monthly magazine  Published this article page no 26 the government of india has from time to time tried to negotiate with the sri lankan government on the tamil question. but in 1987 the government of india for the first time got directly involved in the sri lankan tamil question. india signed an accord with sri lanka and sent troops to stabilise relations between the sri lankan government and the tamils. eventually the indian army got into a fight with the ltte. the presence of indian troops was also not liked much by the sri lankans. they saw this as an attempt by india to interfere in the internal affairs of sri lanka. in 1989 the indian peace keeping force (ipkf) pulled out of sri lanka without attaining its objective. the sri lankan crisis continues to be violent. however international actors particularly the scandinavian countries such as norway and iceland have been trying to bring the warring groups back to negotiations. the future of the island hinges on the outcome of these talks shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine 

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