competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 39 very quietly this brutal totalitarian dictatorship that sought to enslave the planet quietly disappeared and more remarkably they all became capitalists. what a wild world we live in. i submit to you that we are on the eve of a new american revolution perhaps as powerful as the birth of our democracy in the 1700s. what has happened is that the power in this country is in the process of being re-distributed to the people themselves who are the voters. we were born as a republic remember the words and to the republic for which it stands in the pledge of allegiance. we are fast becoming a democracy based on the information dispersion created by the internet and cable television as a tool in everybodys home. granted there is tremendous noise on the internet meaning that there is an abundance of useless information but in the universe there are many gems and they are on the internet as well banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pratiyogita kiran English

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiranEnglish by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no 13 iranian 240mm rocket launcher m 1985 it is important to analyze the basic characteristics of these weapon systems. the main factor related to the present conflict regards the rockets maximum range and the type of warhead used. so far the hezbollah have been using mainly short range rockets fired either from a single launcher often with an improvised timer enabling to aim the rocket towards a general direction and flight angle and then walk away from the launch site. iranian 122mm-mrl-iran various types of electronic timers often with a simple modified alarm clock do the rest. these rockets are an iranian version called haseb of the russian 107mm katyusha with a range of up to nine kilometers. another way to launch the rockets is by using multiple launchers to create a salvo effect. such launchers can be towed or mounted on jeeps trucks etc pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download.

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazineyearly subscription published this article page no 18 they have also started an annual north american model boat association world cup final. every year at the end of october through the beginning of november you can experience the annual london bridge days which are celebrated all over town! there is something for everyone at lake havasu with so much to do and see there. the sunsets are absolutely breathtaking and the scenery with all of its mountain splendor is simply amazing. the town is very welcoming to tourists and is one place that you might want to consider for your next vacation Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.

Meri saheli magazineyearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazineyearly subscription published this article page no 16 lake havasu city has some of the most spectacular scenery in the southwest. actually the lake was a previous colorado river reservoir and was formed when the parker dam was built between 1934 and 1938. the town was named for the 45 mile long lake havasu on the colorado river by the chemehuevi indians and translates into land of the blue green water. it remains today a water lovers paradise. this pretty little mountain-scaped town of twenty-six square miles has a population of around 45000. it runs along the colorado river is also home to the mohave and sonoran deserts. lake havasu has an unbelievable 300 or more days of sunshine annually making it a perfect location for both water and desert lovers alike Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazineenglish medium published this article page no 11 somehow the current president bush got it into his mind saddam still represented a threat to the stability of the region and therefore invaded again. in doing so he has opened pandoras box. once that box was opened no one can predict with any accuracy how this is going to play out. we have certainly done a number of things none of which play to our favor 1)                we have strengthened and emboldened iran. we are no longer in a position to threaten iran with invasion for continuing its nuclear program. we do not have the force structure to back up our threats. 2) we have strengthened syria in the same way as iran. 3)  we have aggravated the arab-israeli situation by weakening our own image as an honest third party to the conflict. 4)            we have destabilized iraq as a country and as a functioning state with no endgame in mind. 5)    we have placed our prestige on the line and are at the lowest level of respect in our allies eyes since world war ii. 6)                our position as the moral guiding force of this planet is in jeopardy. 7)           we have started a war that we do not know how to finish. what the president must do right now is recognize where we are at. this is why he lost the congress in the last election. americans are never sitting stay or watch idly. we are an active nation shine india monthly magazine subscription.

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium published this article page no  10 the primary goal of all american presidents and not the congress is to determine for our country what our interests should be. the president then must create policy to advance our interests. it is not a coincidence that the first invasion of iraq in 1990 took place shortly after the fall of the soviet union. our middle east policy up until that point was to prevent soviet penetration and domination of the oil rich middle east. with the fall of the soviet union our policy became to prevent any one country in the region from creating hegemony over the region (the reason being oil). this was saddams sin. he attempted to control the oil wealth of the region by invading kuwait and therefore neutralizing saudi arabia. this had to be prevented at all costs. in 1990 the cost was a us led coalition to remove saddam as a threat to the oil stability of the region and that is why the first president bush never marched to baghdad. saddams removal from kuwait was enough to insure that hegemony would not be created shine india monthly magazine subscription.

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium 

shine india magazineenglish medium published this article page no  9 the history of the entire region is one of violence instability anarchy and uncertainty. in that simple sentence you will understand why our presidents desire to install a democracy in iraq cannot work. every country in the middle east has an unstable regime ruling a society whose members have low tolerance for one another and are inherently volatile. even if our president were successful in forcing our democratic principles on the people of iraq the whole system would of necessity fall apart in a matter of months to a year or two as a new equilibrium would be formed among the warring factions. this is not george bushs fault. he has simply allowed himself to be misguided as to the reality of the day to day situation in iraq. his advisors have failed him miserably and he has failed america in not changing his advisers quickly enough to understand what he is dealing with shine india monthly magazine subscription.

 shine india magazine english medium 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf

 banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf  Published this article page no   Why do people lie especially to those they love? Lying is a technique that is used to influence control and manipulate others thoughts feelings and behaviors. Lying comes naturally and most of the time it happens with little awareness effort or thought. In fact children start lying quite effectively early in life. And as adults people continue to lie. Not only is lying fairly common but it can take several different forms. On occasion people will tell a bold-faced lie. That is say something that is explicitly not true. Most of the time however lying is best accomplished by what is left unsaid – a lie of omission. In this case speakers leave out critical information (usually about who what where when or why) while leading hearers to believe that the complete story is being told. As Benjamin Franklin so keenly noted “Half the truth is often a great lie. So why do people lie especially to those they love? Lying is typically motivated by one or more of the following factors Avoid Punishment Lying is often used to avoid punishment or possible rejection. If a spouse or romantic partner is going to react poorly to the truth generally speaking people try to hide or conceal the truth. By nature people are designed to avoid harm and punishment even if individuals have to lie in order to do so. Again children pick-up this skill early in life and people continue to lie as adults. Seek Approval Not only are people designed to avoid punishment but people universally have a need for approval. Lying and deception are often used to create a favorable image or impression. People will go to great lengths even using deception if necessary to create a positive image. Often this involves some self-deception as well – people start to believe their own false image is true. Maintain Privacy Everyone needs some privacy – a sense of independence autonomy and freedom. People like to feel in control especially when it comes to giving out information about ones self. Just because you are in a close relationship does not mean that you have completely given up your right to or need for privacy. So lying and deception are very useful when trying to maintain a sense of ones self that is autonomous independent and private. Avoid Conflict Couples rarely see eye-to-eye on every issue. And if couples were determined to (and some do) they could engage in never ending conflict on a range of issues. But always engaging in conflict is damaging in any relationship. So rather than argue about every issue that may come up sometimes it is easier to avoid conflict by pretending to get along. Regulate Power Whether people like to acknowledge it or not power differences are present in every relationship. Power involves having control when it comes to decision making. And power often switches back and forth between partners depending on the issue at hand. For instance one partner might have financial power while another partner may have social power (control in social situations). As a general rule the person who lacks power in any given situation is more likely to lie in order to influence the outcome. For instance kids are more likely to lie to their parents employees are more likely to lie to employers and the same holds true in close relationships. The person who lacks power is more likely to lie in order to get what they want. Lying helps individuals even out power differences that may exist. banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf

 banking service chronicle september 2019 pdf

banking services chronicle site

 banking services chronicle site 

banking services chronicle site  Published this article page no   Getting married is one of your most important day of our lives.  Some people tend to have a budget wedding as to save their money for some practical reasons.  What important to know is that a budget wedding does not mean a cheap wedding. It all depends on how smart you plan your budget wedding. There are many aspects that you can cut cost of your wedding expenditures.  However you should pay attentions on some aspects so that you will not sacrifice the quality of it. First Wedding Photography and/or Videography.  A professional wedding photography can charge you anywhere between $1000-$3000. You might think that you can just ask your friend or relative to take your wedding pictures. It is a No No.  Wedding pictures and videos are the only things that you can see or view to re-live your wedding moments in future.  If you really need to cut your budget try asking around from some photography clubs.  There are some members out there who really have a hobby of photography and would not mind to give you lower prices. One good practice is to pay them first to do your pre-wedding picture or video.  If you satisfy with the results you can contract him/her again for you wedding day. Wedding venue.  If you think that you could save money by having your wedding money in your house for free of charge make sure that your house if conformable enough for guest to gather around.  We would like the guest to be comfortable so that they would stay longer.  In the end how could the wedding party be nice when guests are leaving early?  Try to find good venue that match your theme.  You would find that in some days or time the price could be lower. Flowers. Have you asked around how much it will cost you for arranging wedding ceremony flowers?  You get shocked when it could cost you above $700 right?  Some of the flower vendor could charge you very cheap.  But the be careful of vendor that will show you a good sample of flowers and when it is time for your wedding day he/she will arrange the flowers with some "not fresh" ones.  Well you can always cut your cost here buy ordering the flowers that are in season. Or you can have a garden wedding without adding more budgets to flower decorations. There are other aspects to consider for your budget wedding.  Overall the important thing is to have proper planning for your budget wedding.  You can cut cost up to 50% of what you have budgeted. banking services chronicle test series.

 banking services chronicle site 

banking services chronicle test series

 banking services chronicle test series

banking services chronicle test series  Published this article page no   Whether you and your spouse both work outside of the home or one of you stays home with the children its easy for one person to feel out of the financial picture. Its important in a marriage to feel equal to your partner on all levels of the playing field. Even if you dont feel “stuck its important for couples to communicate openly about their financial situation and try to better it together. Most marriages have their financial ups and downs. It can truly be a test to your relationship with your partner in dealing with the downs in particular. Here are some tips to help you deal with these situations in the quickest and calmest way possible. 1.)             Pick the Right Time. Find a non stress time to sit down and have a discussion with your partner. Me and my husband love to go on evenings out because it gives us a chance to discuss important issues in a non stress environment. If you must stay home make sure the kids are not present during the conversation. 2.)   Come Prepared. Write down the matters you have been thinking about beforehand so that you can stay on track during your discussion. 3.)              Dont Get Emotional. Avoid personal attacks towards your spouse. Use “I instead of “you when speaking. Dont be argumentative and state how you feel. Dont point fingers and dont start a fight. 4.)              Take Turns. Common courtesy will help you achieve your goals. Feeling equal to your partner will come with a general respect between you and your partner. 5.)            Make a Plan. Discuss the situation and future plans with your spouse. Make sure you have a basic budget in place and discuss you and your partners vital steps in your financial future. Compile a money to-do list and check your progress often. Remember the love you have for each other during the conversation and listen Also to what your partner has to say during the discussion. If it seems to be a bad time in general to talk about it remember that there will be another opportunity to let your partner know how you feel. Let it go and pick a better time in the future. banking services chronicle test series

 banking services chronicle test series

daily current affairs by gk today

 daily current affairs by gk today

daily current affairs by gk today Published this article :  Intelligence experts believe that it is only a matter of time before there is another terrorist attack in the U.S. With the recent scares in New York and Baltimore and the deadly terrorist bombings in Bali Egypt London and Madrid these attacks are aimed at striking terror among millions of people. Of rising concerns is the fear that terrorists will use biological chemicals against us.  What if this suspicious package contained a deadly chemical such as smallpox or anthrax are we ready?   It appears not. A study listed in Archives of Internal Medicine showed 631 doctors mostly medical residents were given a test prior to completing an online training course. On the pretest half the doctors misdiagnosed botulism 84 percent misdiagnosed plague and a case of routine chickenpox was misdiagnosed as smallpox by 42 percent of the doctors. Weve got a dangerous gap here and we need a much clearer strategic game plan said Shelley Hearne executive director of Trust for Americas Health which tracks how well states are prepared for bioterrorism or pandemic. In addition to the lack of bioterror knowledge in health care professionals high-ranking officials in the US Health and Human Services Department have stated major concerns about the governments ability to deliver medicines in the event of a bioterror attack.  In response to these concerns steps are being taken to address these issues.  To improve the delivery of medicines in the event of a national emergency some suggested steps include the delivery of medicines from local fire stations police stations and even via the US Postal Service. In the book Sledgehammer Dr. Paulo J. Reyes describes a Smallpox outbreak and how rapidly the disease can spread the potentially devastating effects of air-borne contaminants and the potential for extremely large numbers of fatalities.  The point in writing the book according to Reyes is to bring to light the high potential for bioterrorist attacks in the United States and to demonstrate how critical it is to develop emergency response strategies to handle the delivery of medicines and the medical treatment. The combined efforts of the United States government and the medical community are crucial in preventing millions of deaths in the event of such a disaster.  Despite global efforts to eradicate terrorism the threat of a bioterror attack remains high.  The United States must prepare emergency response strategies and develop effective means of delivering medicines to all parts of the country.  Lets prepare now so our nation can respond rapidly and effectively resulting in minimal damage and loss of life. daily current affairs by gk today

 daily current affairs by gk today

monthly current affairs by gk today

 monthly current affairs by gk today

monthly current affairs by gk today Published this article :  Are you concerned about inflation a recession or even a depression in the early 21st Century?  If you are concerned about either one or the real possibility of all the economic woes that potentially face the United States you are surely not alone as more and more people find they are having real trouble paying their mortgages and putting food on the table as money dries up home values plummet grocery prices escalate and petroleum prices sky rocket. Americas economic picture is driving the election primaries of both parties as well as the independents.  As Tip ONeill once opined all politics are local.  If your perception is its the economy stupid you want one candidate.  If housing prices are holding in your neighborhood you want another candidate. It was not many days ago that our collective major concern was the War in Iraq and American service members scattered around the world in harms way as Islamic Jihadists swore their destruction. If you have a son daughter wife husband mother or father on their fourth or fifth tour of duty with the United States Military in Iraq as the Tennessee Mountain Man and Computer Man do that may well remain your driving force and you probably support yet another candidate. But it appears to be more and more clear that across the board Americas primary concern in the 2008 election year rightly or wrongly is the economy. There is a raging disagreement between those well heeled gurus in the know who live on the upper side of town about whether or not we are in a recession.  Many on the Fox Business Channel seem to believe we are and that Chairman Ben Bernanke of  the United States Federal Reserve Bank is behind rather than in front of the curve.  Bernanke disagrees although he did seem to tell congress in middle January 2008 that we could be in danger of sliding in that direction. The federal government apparently agrees with the view that a recession is imminent if not in full throttle otherwise why would the captain of the ship be ordering the life rafts deployed with all haste.  Both political parties are rushing to get cash back in the hands of the people hoping they will spend it on new purchases driving the economy forward. Grand ma who was already having a problem deciding whether to buy the medicine her doctor prescribed or the food her body needed and who remembers the great depression dont have any doubts.  She has seen the horse and buggy the model T the iron horse the air plane Sputnik the man in the moon and a man on the moon and air conditioning (although she cant afford any) replace the funeral home fan along with a recession or two in her life time and she knows a recession when it comes roaring through her family. Since Grand ma knows little to nothing about GNP/GDP.  She basis her observations on the real life of real Americans struggling to survive not on the fancy mathematical maneuvering and stats of professors and practitioners isolated in their ivory towers or professional politicians lost in the bowels of government hidden inside the Washington Beltway. The truth is real people are hurting.  There is plenty of blame to go around and probably more than one solution to the recession issue.  It is after all a complicated issue and some business types like auto manufacturers and home builders are hurting more than others. It does not help that we have shipped so many manufacturing jobs off shore and over taxed and imposed other burdens on businesses to the point many have been forced to either close their doors or move their operations outside the United States. Remote Helpdesk 1 has seen many businesses come and go over the years.  We have seen a recession or two ourselves and we have learned that there are some fairly safe options for entrepreneurs during an economic turn down.  In fact there are some who do much better in tough times. Tired of punching a clock lost your job or just want to be your own boss?  In bad times there are always ways to thrive if you are perceptive and agile. Never feel that because a recession is under way that there are no opportunities for you. You might want to consider one of these  the health industry collections funeral parlor auto repair used furniture outlet used clothing and household items store pawn shops also thrive in such times tutoring selling on an online auction internet ad business... use the computer between your shoulders as well as the one on your desk to come up with options. If you are already in business this is not the time to become despondent.  It is time to drive forward.  You cant sit and wait for your ship to come in.  There are opportunities!  Increase advertising get more personally involved in your community and your church and business and professional organizations slash your prices to bare bones if you need to visit current and dormant accounts and customers and make sure they know you are still around and that you appreciate them. Remember we have been here before.  You are not going through this alone.  It is cyclical and this too shall pass.  In the mean time make up your mind to enjoy the ride. You have little choice but to take the trip so determine to arrive stronger happier and richer as a result of the experience that God in His wisdom has allowed you to conquer with His provision and guidance. monthly current affairs by gk today

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book  Published this article page no    Ever since the time of Abe Lincoln Democrats and Republicans have been fighting for control of the United States Of America. In the beginning both political parties contained liberals moderates and conservatives. As time wore on the Democratic Party moved more to the left or liberal and the Republican Party moved more to the right or Conservative. This left room for fewer and fewer moderates. The following are the opinions of the author and although I believe them to be true I am not stating them as anything other than my opinions. Ever since the time of Abe Lincoln Democrats and Republicans have been fighting for control of the United States Of America. In the beginning both political parties contained liberals moderates and conservatives. As time wore on the Democratic Party moved more to the left or liberal and the Republican Party moved more to the right or Conservative. This left room for fewer and fewer moderates. Over the last several years however the far far left has been taking over control of the Democratic Party and now the coup is almost completed. The far left zealots have virtually pushed most of the slightly left the moderates and the conservatives out of the Democratic Party. Most of the moderates and conservatives left have learned to keep quiet and go with the tide in order to stay in office. Now the battle for control of this country has changed it is now the far left against everyone else. People like Howard Dean Nancy Pelosi Joseph Biden Robert Byrd Barbara Boxer etc. I dont include Edward Kennedy because in my opinion he lost touch with reality long ago and just talks in order to see and hear himself on the news. along with their Hollywood friends Barbara Streisand Susan Saranden Alec Baldwin Whoopi Goldberg Martin Sheen Spike Lee etc. now run the Democratic Party and more moderate people like Joseph Lieberman are being ignored or vilified by the party the partys supporters and a large part of the press. The far left only wants people that think like they do or will do what they tell them to do in the Democratic Party. They fear and dislike moderates conservatives moderate liberals and anyone that they can not control. The far left has gone so far left that in my opinion they make liberals seem like hard right wingers. I dont believe that the far left cares about America the American people or anyone else except themselves. The far left politicians want power and they will do anything to get and keep that power. They claim to support our troops in Afganistan and Iraq yet they do everything they can do to ruin the troops moral and aid the terrorists. They use their Hollywood friends and the ultra liberal press to spread half truths lies rumors and ridiucule about anyone who does not agree with them. They have even taken to giving responses to President Bushs speeches before he makes the speech. They have learned from President Clinton how to take credit for anything good that happens and how to lay blame on others for anything bad that happens. They use people like President Carter one of the kindest most caring most honest and most trusting men to ever hold public office to critcize the present administrations policies. President Carter does not have an agenda he is just as always slightly naive about and too trusting of the good will of others. He believes that there would be peace on earth if people followed the dictates of the far left so the far left uses him as a front. The far left uses celebrities who are not only naive but insulated from the real world. Celebrities who are surrounded by yes people telling them that they are smarter and better than the rest of us celebrities who are wealthy do not have to go to a supermarket to do their shopping who fly first class drive whatever kind of car they wish live in expensive homes or apartments and pay people to do most everything for them. These celebrities can afford to be idealistic and fight for ideals that cant work. They can talk about raising taxes after all they cant spend all the money they already have demand rehabilitation for drug addicts after all the only drug addicts they actually deal with are other celebrities rage against nuclear power plants and new oil drilling after all they can afford to pay their electric and gas bills no matter how expensive they are fight for the rights of criminals and gun control after all they have bodyguards many of whom are armed and expensive security systems to protect them so why should they worry about a storeowner who has been robbed three or four times or a woman who is raped and killed in her home. Most of these celebrities mean well they just dont know what it is like to live in the real world. Dont tell me that many of these same celebrities had bad or poor childhoods. That was then and this is now. Celebrities that do have an idea as to what is really going on and speak out against criminals or support the war against terrorism or fight for cheap utilities or heaven forbid support acknowledging god or who back moderate politicians or even worse support President Bush are ridiculed and ostracized. Some no matter how talented even have trouble obtaining work. Michael Moore produces a poorly made anti administration movie and is lionized by Hollywood while Mel Gibson makes a well made movie about Christ and is ridiculed and put down by Hollywood. The fact that the people greatly prefered Gibsons movie didnt matter to Hollywood. I am a slightly conservative moderate with many slightly liberal beliefs however the far left is pushing me more and more to the right. I used to believe that you should vote for the person not the party. Now I am forced to vote straight Republican because I cant trust any Democrat to stand up to the far left. I like Joe Lieberman but would not vote for him because the odds are that the far left will eventually push him out of office or force him to support them. I disliked and never trusted President Nixon but today I would have to vote for him rather than any Democrat. I consider President Kennedy to be one of our best modern Presidents but could not today vote for him. Pleople say to me What about Hillary Clinton She is a moderate.. I say baloney as far as I can tell Hillary Clinton does not believe in anything. She says and does whatever she thinks will get votes and help consolidate her power. I dont believe that she cares any more for this country or its people than her husband did. If she believes that the far left can get her what she wants she will become one of their most rabid members. The far left has hijacked the Democratic Party and they are at war with anyone and everyone who does not follow their dictates. They hide under the title Democrat and claim to want to change America for the better. What they really want to do is to rule this country and make it over into their own image. They want us to be free to do what they think is best not what we think is best. They believe that the end justifies the means and in order to gain their rule they will lie cheat support our enemies spend whatever amount of money they have to and do anything else that may help them. As far as the far left is concerned their biggest enemy at this time is President Bush. They hate him and fear him so they are doing everthing they can in order to ruin him. They blame him for everthing that has gone wrong in the world. Their celebrity spokespeople have people believing that the problems caused by hurricane Katrina are all his administrations fault. The fact that both the Democratic Mayor of New Orleans and the Democratic Governor of Louisiana were extremely slow to act in calling in the Federal Government doesnt matter the fact that it appears that several crooked politicians spent money given to them prior to the hurricane for levy repairs on themselves doesnt matter the fact that the people of New Orleans never bothered to prepare themselves for a category 5 hurricane doesnt matter. All that matters is if they keep telling everyone that its the Presidents fault pretty soon everyone will believe it. People like Jay Leno David Letterman and other celebrities and comedians constantly joke about how stupid the President is. The fact that he was smart enough to earn a university and a post graduate degree doesnt matter thefact that he was smart enough to become Governor of Texas doesnt matter the fact that he was smart enough to become President of the United States doesnt matter the fact that he was smart enough to marry Laura Bush doesnt matter. All that matters is that Leno and Letterman joke about his being stupid therefore he must be stupid This country has elected many Presidents that may have done a bad job at running this country but I dont believe that we have ever elected a stupid President and if we did elect a stupid President doesnt that make us stupid for doing so.. I could list numerous other examples but this article is already to long so I wont. The citizens of this country better wake up and start fighting back or soon we will no longer be a two party system or have a democratic republican form of government. We will have one Party the far left and they will rule us. They will be telling us what to think when to think it and how to think it. I dont know about you but I like my freedom. I want a country with liberals moderates and conservatives. I want to have a choice in who to vote for. I want to be able to think for myself. I dont want to be ruled by the far left anymore than I want to be ruled by the far right. I want a country that represents everyone a country that is one country under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle books online

 banking services chronicle books online

banking services chronicle books online  Published this article page no    Iraq stands at the junction of three different and competing cultures for the control of the country. Kurds Shia and Sunni Arabs all want to control their own affairs and that of the Iraqi state. Since each of them have their own distinct identity and their own supporters the potential for conflict is great. Iraq stands at the junction of three different and competing cultures for the control of the country. Kurds Shia and Sunni Arabs all want to control their own affairs and that of the Iraqi state. Since each of them have their own distinct identity and their own supporters the potential for conflict is great. The first group entails the Kurdish people who have developed an independent living arrangement for their 25 million people spread among Turkey Iran and Iraq. Despite not having their own state they do have their own government schools and military. They are in effect a state without borders and without international legitimacy. Their race for statehood started in 1920 during World War I when President Woodrow Wilson promised them independence in return for support. The Treaty of Sevres was to have accomplished this. However when the Ottoman Empire was reformed into Turkey the Kurdish people lost their legitimacy. Sunni Arabs make up the second group of contenders for Iraq. Even though they are slightly outnumbered by the Shia in Iraq they are major contenders for the country because 95% of the 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide are Sunni. They are the orthodox Muslims with a level of legitimacy unseen by the other groups. In recent times there has been a surge of calls for the reforming of an Islamic state and leader Caliph. Therefore the Sunni insurgents are supported by other Muslims with weapons money and recruits. Throughout Chechnya Caucasian Afghanistan Indian and Iraq Arab you are beginning to find coordination of tactics and recruits. It is becoming common to see Muslims from different nationalities fighting along side of each other because they have the same vision for Islamic independence. The final group is the Shia which represents approximately 3% of all Muslims worldwide. The Shia became famed with the Iranian revolution which is one of the first Shia Muslim states. Iran is actively supporting the Shia in Iraq and trying to export their revolutionary ideas throughout the region. As we can tell from the past rhetoric between the U.S. and Iran that they are not supports of American democracy and make every attempt to thwart it. Due to sanctions and rigorous development Iran has developed their own military industry that is sophisticated. If these weapons show up in Iraq there is likely to be great bloodshed. Iraq is a country on the verge of civil war. The three contending groups each have their own particular strength. The Kurds have a preestablished governmental institutions and military the Sunnis have the support of the wider Muslim people and the Shia has the staunchly antiAmerican Iran. If the U.S. looses control of Iraq or withdraws from it in the near future it is unlikely that the country will be able to withstand a civil war where each group has a highly concentrated region. The end of civil war could potentially mean three distinct countries all competing for Iraqs oil reserves. It is also likely that such a war will not be easily quenched and may produce one of the worlds worst humanitarian crises. Once started it is wholly possible that Sunni countries will begin to get involved against their Iranian rivals. All of them will be against any Western influence and are unlikely to heed any calls of quiet until they have exhausted their resources. banking services chronicle books online

 banking services chronicle books online

banking services chronicle 2019 pdf

 banking services chronicle 2019 pdf 

banking services chronicle 2019 pdf  Published this article page no    Be predictable. When do seeds of suspicion emerge? When one begins to think Whats up? Why is he doing that? Hes never done that before. That is so unlike him. He loses 30 pounds buys a new wardrobe and comes home late from work. He changes his patterns. His behavior becomes unpredictable. You get the picture? Any movement away from predictable behavior can become suspect and trust can deteriorate. Focus on acting predictably if you need to build trust. Be consistent in what you do. This doesnt mean you must be boring. If there is a twinkle in your eye and a dose of spontaneity every so often for goodness sakes be spontaneous and fun loving. But be spontaneous consistently! Be true to who you have always been and be that consistently whoever you tend to be! 2. Inform your significant other when you become "unpredictable." No one goes through life the same person. We all make shifts and changes. Frankly sometimes we may be fairly clueless about what is happening and where we are going. Those times may be very intense and we do some silly things or make some downright dumb decisions. Life can get very squirrelly and unpredictable. (I have a favorite phrase Gold is refined through intense heat.) Growth in an individual marriage or family often is accompanied by a little chaos. Welcome these shifts for there is a part of you searching for something better/different/richer/deeper but for heavens sake inform your partner of what you are experiencing. Say "I really dont know what is going on in me right now but Im moving in a different direction. Be a little patient with me while I figure this out. I might do some silly things but my intent is not to harm you or scare you. Accept some of my wondering and wandering and please be there for me? I may need to run some of this by you every so often!" 3. Make sure your words match the message. Mean what you say and say what you mean. When your partner hears one thing in your words but your tone of voice body language and facial expressions are really saying something else you open the relationship to some crazy making days. Which message is she to believe? This can waste a tremendous amount of energy and she learns not to trust part of what you are saying. Heres a very simple but common example. You are getting ready to go to a formal dinner. Your wife comes to you and says "How do I look?" (And shes wearing a dress you dont particularly like and her hair is pulled back in a way that turns you off.) Not to spoil the evening you enthusiastically say "You look great." You dont really mean it and a part of her knows you really dont mean it. But you leave it at that. This might not seem like a big deal - we all have done something similar - but if trust is shaky to begin with it is even shakier now. Heres how to match the words with the nonverbal "I think you are a beautiful person. I want you to know that. I love you dearly and it will be wonderful to have you by my side tonight. Others will see your beauty. (As you say this you look into her eyes as you put your hands around her waist.) Shes not concerned so much with how she looks but is expressing a need for affirmation. Shes not talking about her dress or hair but about wanting to know the evening is going to go just fine. You respond to the real message. You can take this one step further if you like. At some point you might bring up her need for affirmation and talk about that. Ask her is there is anything you can say or do so that need is met. Trust is awareness of the intent beneath the obvious message and responding to that! 4. Believe the other person is competent. I hear this phrase very often "But I dont want to hurt him." A couple things are at play here. First she may not have the skill of confronting the other with the truth in a way that brings reconciliation and understanding. She believes truth telling is destructive or entails some sort of drama. Neither is true. The truth is never destructive and can be conveyed in loving ways. (With that said what we believe to be the truth may indeed be a distorted perception that fits our personal needs.) Or she may see the other person as a wimp someone she believes cannot handle rigorous personal confrontation. She doesnt trust that the other person has the internal strength or stamina or skills to be in a relationship of mutual respect and equality. The other person picks up on this mistrust and does what he does (feigns inadequacy and incompetence) to avoid the personal confrontation as well. A dance is acted out. Believe and know in your heart that the other person somewhere and somehow beneath the games has the internal strength and capacity to handle anything. Such trust builds trust in the other person and begins to pervade the relationship. "Hey she thinks I can handle this! Hmmmm this is mighty good! I CAN engage her and be truly intimate!" 5. Be very very careful of keeping secrets. If he knows there is an elephant in the room and doesnt talk about it the elephant takes up tremendous space in the relationship. It takes energy for him to walk around it. She may not see the elephant but knows he is bending his neck to look around something. She will be curious mildly disturbed have feelings but no words to wrap around them might wonder if something is wrong with her or struggle with trusting her intuition (her intuition KNOWS an elephant is there.) And when we cant trust the messages that come from within us we find it very difficult to trust the messages of the other person. Secrets demand tremendous energy and erode trust. The relationship is doomed never to experience wall-banging intimacy. This is why extramarital affairs are so damaging. She is not so much concerned about him having sex with someone else as she is about the betrayal lack of trust the secrets and deception that are crazy making and energy draining. Now please. Im not saying that you sit your partner down and divulge the 23 secrets of your illicit past behaviors. If you have resolved those i.e. forgiven yourself understand those behaviors learned from them and were able to use them to make the internal shifts necessary for your personal development they do not qualify as an elephant. Hopefully in the course of growing intimacy in your relationship you may want to share some of those events as you disclose to your partner where you were and where you are now. You do so without emotional charge. However if a secret takes up room i.e. still has an emotional charge and holds you back from disclosing more and more of yourself in the growing stages of intimacy you have a problem that needs to be addressed with your partner. 6. Let YOUR needs be known - loudly. Be a little - no be a lot - self-centered. (Be self-centered but not selfish!) Heres a problem I run into almost every day. He is backing away (perhaps attached to work another person etc.). She feels the trust and intimacy eroding is scared and wants to "win him back." So she begins an all out effort to "work on the marriage." She invites him to do so as well. He may reluctantly agree. She blasts full throttle ahead trying to "be nice" and meet every need he ever said he had. Shes going to "fill his tank with goodies." Doesnt work. Her eyes are riveted on him. He feels "smothered" or maybe even resentful "Why is she doing this NOW!" Shes hopeful but eventually that turns to resentment. Her underlying motive - if I meet his needs he will feel good and meet mine - just doesnt work. Its perceived as manipulation which it is. Of course he doesnt say anything. After all how do you get angry with someone who is so "nice and caring?" Trust disintegrates under a blanket of quiet niceties. Start with your eyes focused on YOU. What do YOU need? Explore your personal need system. Dig beneath the surface. And then say to him "I need…x y and z. I would like to talk to you about them. I would like us to work out a way so my needs are met. Are you open to that?" He is empowered to say yes or no. Or he may say "What about my needs?" You respond "I am very interested in hearing what is important to you certainly." Have you ever been around someone who stated clearly what they needed/wanted? Didnt you respect that person? Because you knew where he stood and therefore where you stood didnt that interaction move toward a trusting relationship? 7. State who YOU are - loudly. It is very sad to see those in relationships of emotional investment hold back from letting the other person know who they really are. You build trust in a relationship by entrusting your SELF to the other person. This sounds easy but I find it difficult for most to pull off. Most of us have a difficult time declaring our SELF. For one thing if youre like most of us you havent given much thought to what it is that makes YOU truly YOU. Dont you feel like you glide through life on autopilot focusing on tasks goals accomplishments problems and the external realities? Dont you tend to focus on those things out there or that person out there? Youre concerned about what he is thinking how he is responding to you whether he likes you whether he will be an obstacle and where he will fit in your life? Your conversations may be pleasant but fairly superficial and bluntly boringly inane. You converse about things/relationships/events out there. You are reluctant to share your thoughts values and impressions or take a stand. This doesnt destroy trust. But it doesnt create it either. And if you do take a stand it may serve the purpose of protecting you or entrenching you as you react against someone. This more often than not creates trust barriers. Take some time to reflect on your standards. What are your standards for a relationship? What standards do you hold for yourself? What do you order your life around? What are the 4 top values in your life? What are some themes that you live by? What are you known for? And then…begin letting significant people in your life know. They will respect you. They will know you more deeply. They will thank you for the opportunity to know you. They will see you as a person of character. They will trust you. They can count on you. They know exactly what is behind and within you. 8. Learn to say NO! Sometimes you need to say NO! Often it is crucial to say NO! Saying NO sets boundaries around you that protects you from being hurt or venturing into territory that will be destructive to your heart and soul. You draw a line. You stop tolerating that which drains energy and makes you less than YOU. You refuse to allow the destructive behaviors of others to destroy you. You build a moat around the core of your life. You do this by informing the other person of what they are doing. You request they stop. If they dont stop you demand they stop. If they dont stop you walk away without a snide remark eye-roll or comment. To some this seems harsh but saying NO is RESPECTED. Fear is the basis of mistrust. If you fear that someone will hurt you and believe you have no recourse but to endure that hurt fear will prevail. How can you trust when you are in fear? Saying NO protecting yourself sends a message to the other person that you will not live in fear. This usually triggers a response of respect from the other person. After all if you can protect yourself and refuse subjugation to that which is destructive will not the other person come to trust you and see you as a person who just might protect him/her from harm as well? 9. Charge Neutral. When your significant other expresses something powerfully charge neutral. Most of us are afraid of strong feelings or points of contention in a relationship. I commonly hear people respond by defending themselves (to a perceived attack) explaining themselves counter-attacking shutting down or walking away. Of course the relationship remains stuck in this quagmire of mistrust and fear. Rather than reacting and having your feelings flowing all over the place or shutting down practice charging neutral. Communicate calmness not only in your tone of voice but also in how you carry your body. Dont speak with a charge to your voice. Control your voice! Say what you must say state the truth and do it directly and calmly. You can do this once you master your fears. It will dramatically change the flow of the relationship. You will be able to point out something big without making a big deal out of it. You will be in control of you. This not only feels great but your partner trusts that you wont fly or fall apart. You will experience your personal power. This makes you very attractive. Dont people really trust someone who knows their personal power and how to use it for the welfare of themselves and others? Your partner will love the fact that she can trust you consistently to operate from your "quiet center" remain engaged not back down and speak the truth with conviction and calmness. 10. Dig into the dirt. Relationships of emotional investment by their nature bring trials tribulations fears chaos turmoil change stretching and growth. They become the grist from which your life is shaped and formed. Be fearless when faced with turmoil upset crisis questions and fears. When the time is right seek them out. Move toward the frightening unknown. Dig into the dirt of your relationship and uncover the treasures. Do you really TRUST that this can happen? The purpose of your relationship is not to make you happy. Do you realize this? Happiness may be an outcome but your other is given to you to move you to where you really want to be. Obstacles trials and moments of pain are given as lessons on which you intentionally write the script of your life individually and together. Embrace the difficult. Trust that in this embracing you will find more of your true self. Trust that you are given the resources and capacity to face what you and your significant other are to face. Once you are able to believe and trust these ultimate purposes trusting your significant other will be that much more easy. banking services chronicle 2019 pdf

 banking services chronicle 2019 pdf