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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book  Published this article page no    Ever since the time of Abe Lincoln Democrats and Republicans have been fighting for control of the United States Of America. In the beginning both political parties contained liberals moderates and conservatives. As time wore on the Democratic Party moved more to the left or liberal and the Republican Party moved more to the right or Conservative. This left room for fewer and fewer moderates. The following are the opinions of the author and although I believe them to be true I am not stating them as anything other than my opinions. Ever since the time of Abe Lincoln Democrats and Republicans have been fighting for control of the United States Of America. In the beginning both political parties contained liberals moderates and conservatives. As time wore on the Democratic Party moved more to the left or liberal and the Republican Party moved more to the right or Conservative. This left room for fewer and fewer moderates. Over the last several years however the far far left has been taking over control of the Democratic Party and now the coup is almost completed. The far left zealots have virtually pushed most of the slightly left the moderates and the conservatives out of the Democratic Party. Most of the moderates and conservatives left have learned to keep quiet and go with the tide in order to stay in office. Now the battle for control of this country has changed it is now the far left against everyone else. People like Howard Dean Nancy Pelosi Joseph Biden Robert Byrd Barbara Boxer etc. I dont include Edward Kennedy because in my opinion he lost touch with reality long ago and just talks in order to see and hear himself on the news. along with their Hollywood friends Barbara Streisand Susan Saranden Alec Baldwin Whoopi Goldberg Martin Sheen Spike Lee etc. now run the Democratic Party and more moderate people like Joseph Lieberman are being ignored or vilified by the party the partys supporters and a large part of the press. The far left only wants people that think like they do or will do what they tell them to do in the Democratic Party. They fear and dislike moderates conservatives moderate liberals and anyone that they can not control. The far left has gone so far left that in my opinion they make liberals seem like hard right wingers. I dont believe that the far left cares about America the American people or anyone else except themselves. The far left politicians want power and they will do anything to get and keep that power. They claim to support our troops in Afganistan and Iraq yet they do everything they can do to ruin the troops moral and aid the terrorists. They use their Hollywood friends and the ultra liberal press to spread half truths lies rumors and ridiucule about anyone who does not agree with them. They have even taken to giving responses to President Bushs speeches before he makes the speech. They have learned from President Clinton how to take credit for anything good that happens and how to lay blame on others for anything bad that happens. They use people like President Carter one of the kindest most caring most honest and most trusting men to ever hold public office to critcize the present administrations policies. President Carter does not have an agenda he is just as always slightly naive about and too trusting of the good will of others. He believes that there would be peace on earth if people followed the dictates of the far left so the far left uses him as a front. The far left uses celebrities who are not only naive but insulated from the real world. Celebrities who are surrounded by yes people telling them that they are smarter and better than the rest of us celebrities who are wealthy do not have to go to a supermarket to do their shopping who fly first class drive whatever kind of car they wish live in expensive homes or apartments and pay people to do most everything for them. These celebrities can afford to be idealistic and fight for ideals that cant work. They can talk about raising taxes after all they cant spend all the money they already have demand rehabilitation for drug addicts after all the only drug addicts they actually deal with are other celebrities rage against nuclear power plants and new oil drilling after all they can afford to pay their electric and gas bills no matter how expensive they are fight for the rights of criminals and gun control after all they have bodyguards many of whom are armed and expensive security systems to protect them so why should they worry about a storeowner who has been robbed three or four times or a woman who is raped and killed in her home. Most of these celebrities mean well they just dont know what it is like to live in the real world. Dont tell me that many of these same celebrities had bad or poor childhoods. That was then and this is now. Celebrities that do have an idea as to what is really going on and speak out against criminals or support the war against terrorism or fight for cheap utilities or heaven forbid support acknowledging god or who back moderate politicians or even worse support President Bush are ridiculed and ostracized. Some no matter how talented even have trouble obtaining work. Michael Moore produces a poorly made anti administration movie and is lionized by Hollywood while Mel Gibson makes a well made movie about Christ and is ridiculed and put down by Hollywood. The fact that the people greatly prefered Gibsons movie didnt matter to Hollywood. I am a slightly conservative moderate with many slightly liberal beliefs however the far left is pushing me more and more to the right. I used to believe that you should vote for the person not the party. Now I am forced to vote straight Republican because I cant trust any Democrat to stand up to the far left. I like Joe Lieberman but would not vote for him because the odds are that the far left will eventually push him out of office or force him to support them. I disliked and never trusted President Nixon but today I would have to vote for him rather than any Democrat. I consider President Kennedy to be one of our best modern Presidents but could not today vote for him. Pleople say to me What about Hillary Clinton She is a moderate.. I say baloney as far as I can tell Hillary Clinton does not believe in anything. She says and does whatever she thinks will get votes and help consolidate her power. I dont believe that she cares any more for this country or its people than her husband did. If she believes that the far left can get her what she wants she will become one of their most rabid members. The far left has hijacked the Democratic Party and they are at war with anyone and everyone who does not follow their dictates. They hide under the title Democrat and claim to want to change America for the better. What they really want to do is to rule this country and make it over into their own image. They want us to be free to do what they think is best not what we think is best. They believe that the end justifies the means and in order to gain their rule they will lie cheat support our enemies spend whatever amount of money they have to and do anything else that may help them. As far as the far left is concerned their biggest enemy at this time is President Bush. They hate him and fear him so they are doing everthing they can in order to ruin him. They blame him for everthing that has gone wrong in the world. Their celebrity spokespeople have people believing that the problems caused by hurricane Katrina are all his administrations fault. The fact that both the Democratic Mayor of New Orleans and the Democratic Governor of Louisiana were extremely slow to act in calling in the Federal Government doesnt matter the fact that it appears that several crooked politicians spent money given to them prior to the hurricane for levy repairs on themselves doesnt matter the fact that the people of New Orleans never bothered to prepare themselves for a category 5 hurricane doesnt matter. All that matters is if they keep telling everyone that its the Presidents fault pretty soon everyone will believe it. People like Jay Leno David Letterman and other celebrities and comedians constantly joke about how stupid the President is. The fact that he was smart enough to earn a university and a post graduate degree doesnt matter thefact that he was smart enough to become Governor of Texas doesnt matter the fact that he was smart enough to become President of the United States doesnt matter the fact that he was smart enough to marry Laura Bush doesnt matter. All that matters is that Leno and Letterman joke about his being stupid therefore he must be stupid This country has elected many Presidents that may have done a bad job at running this country but I dont believe that we have ever elected a stupid President and if we did elect a stupid President doesnt that make us stupid for doing so.. I could list numerous other examples but this article is already to long so I wont. The citizens of this country better wake up and start fighting back or soon we will no longer be a two party system or have a democratic republican form of government. We will have one Party the far left and they will rule us. They will be telling us what to think when to think it and how to think it. I dont know about you but I like my freedom. I want a country with liberals moderates and conservatives. I want to have a choice in who to vote for. I want to be able to think for myself. I dont want to be ruled by the far left anymore than I want to be ruled by the far right. I want a country that represents everyone a country that is one country under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. banking services chronicle english book

banking services chronicle english book

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