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competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

shine india magazine english medium

 shine india magazine english medium

shine india magazine english medium published this article page no  10 the primary goal of all american presidents and not the congress is to determine for our country what our interests should be. the president then must create policy to advance our interests. it is not a coincidence that the first invasion of iraq in 1990 took place shortly after the fall of the soviet union. our middle east policy up until that point was to prevent soviet penetration and domination of the oil rich middle east. with the fall of the soviet union our policy became to prevent any one country in the region from creating hegemony over the region (the reason being oil). this was saddams sin. he attempted to control the oil wealth of the region by invading kuwait and therefore neutralizing saudi arabia. this had to be prevented at all costs. in 1990 the cost was a us led coalition to remove saddam as a threat to the oil stability of the region and that is why the first president bush never marched to baghdad. saddams removal from kuwait was enough to insure that hegemony would not be created shine india monthly magazine subscription.

 shine india magazine english medium

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