competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Competition in focus magazine subscription English

Competition in focus magazine subscription English

Competition in focus magazine subscription English issue published this article page no 32 there is no need to fly half way around the world for a meeting. online audio and video conferencing has effectively cut out the need for face to face meetings and conferences. the amount of energy that can potentially be saved here is huge. turn your computer off completely or at least put it to sleep when you are not using it. computers still use a lot of energy when they are on screensaver mode. for shorter journeys, leave the car at home and use a bike instead. bikes are a healthy, quick and enjoyable way to get around, and a great way to avoid congestion if you live in a big city. experiment with car pooling to get to and from work. it will save you money and could get you to work faster. join the hybrid revolution. do you really need that gas guzzling suv? buy a hybrid and use a fraction of the energy for your journeys. public transport is far more energy efficient than driving. also, remember that air travel is a major polluter so use ground transport wherever possible competition in focus monthly magazine pdf.

Competition in focus magazine subscription English

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