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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, February 4, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india Published this article page no 86 One of the most important ideas for Board members to understand is the challenge of being both and owner and a customer in the same organization.  In most of our day to day life we are either owner or customer.  As owners of a business we strive to make decisions that will benefit us long term.  We seek to satisfy all of our customers, even those whose needs differ widely from others.  We dont make business policies to please one particular customer or another.  Instead we try to create policy that meets the organizations goal, supports its mission and supports the greatest number of customers.The customers needs on the other hand, are primarily short term and personal.  Customers simply want to find the product or service they desire at the best price.  They dont concern themselves too much with the needs of others, long term organizational goals or the needs of other customers.  Customers seek out products or services from a variety of sources with little concern about the long term needs of the supplier.One of the common pitfalls of the parent-run school Board is the belief among Boar members that their job is to represent their fellow customers.  We hear slogans like "the customer is always right" and Board members believe that as parents, they are appointed or elected to represent the customer interests of all their friends and acquaintances Junior Science Refresher buy

Junior Science Refresher

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