competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle published this article page no 5 water security is of paramount importance to ensure reliable access and sustainable availability of clean water in adequate quantity to the entire population.  india has made considerable progress especially in sdg 6 clean water and sanitation by constructing over 11 crore toilets to become open defecationfree (odf) in five years through swachh bharat abhiyan launched in 2014. namami gange flagship programme was launched in june 2014 to accomplish the twin objectives of effective abatement of pollution conservation and rejuvenation of the national river ganga.  the national ganga council is chaired by honble pm and is working towards this goal by o adopting a river basin approach to promote intersectoral coordination for comprehensive planning and management and o maintaining minimum ecological flows in the river ganga to ensure water quality Banking services chronicle buy. 

Banking services chronicle

Monday, July 25, 2022

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Master In Current Affairs Magazine Published this article page no 27 festivals in news festival name description paryushan and das lakshanu.s. president extended paryushan and das lakshan wishes to jain community.these are festivals for celebrating the qualities and essence of the soul.they are marked by strict observance of the ten cardinal virtues forgiveness charity simplicity contentment truthfulness selfrestraint fasting detachment humility and continence.paryushan an annual 810 days period of fasting and meditation for jain worshippers observed by shwetamabar jains Master In Current Affairs Magazine buy.

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Sunday, July 24, 2022

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher Published this article page no 20 it is known for its splendid taste and appearance it is considered a viable alternative to the famous alphanso mango. khirsapatiit was displayed in weeklong indian mango promotion programme that was organised in is highly popularised in india and abroad for its yelloworange color and distinct is widely considered as the champagne of mangoes. another specialty of this species is that it does not have any fiber. fazil mango  a consignment of gi certified fazil mango variety sourced from malda district of west bengal was exported to bahrain. bihar zardalu mangoit was displayed in weeklong indian mango promotion programme that was organised in bahrain.zardalu received the gi tag for its creamy texture natural bright yellow colour and an enticing aroma. gujarat bhalia wheat General knowledge refresher buy.

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher Published this article page no 11 recognized by their tattooed faces they are traditional hunters and warriors but now their main occupation is agriculture.they were the last to give up the practice of headhunting severing heads of enemies after attacking rival tribes. hakkipikki tribehakkipikki are a nomadic tribe which migrated from northern india and now mainly settled in karnataka region and other south indian statesthey are known as bird catcher (hakki means bird and pikki means catcher in kannada language)they speak indo aryan language named as vaagri by scholars unesco has listed hakkipikki is one of the endangered they are mainly engaged in selling of herbal products like herbal oils katkari tribekatkari tribe is one of the 75 particularly vulnerable tribal groups living in areas of maharashtra and parts of gujarat  they are also known as kathodis because of their old occupation of making katha (catechu) the thickened sap from wood of khair( acacia catechu) General knowledge refresher buy.

General knowledge refresher

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Published this article page no 49  Low bargaining power Indias share in high technology products in the global market is relatively low and its import of high technology products is increasing. This could affect its capability to develop soft power in the field. 18  Lack of existing bilateral agreements related to technology transfer IT sector etc. to strengthen global position of India in the field of emerging technology.  Policy uncertainty and structural challenges India faces varied issues like multiple regulators lack of coordination among departments absence of coherent and comprehensive domestic policy etc which can adversely affect Indias negotiating power on International platforms.  Aligning Indias domestic interests with foreign policy While India is expected to benefit substantially with emergence of new technologies in the fields of governance defense research etc issues like job loss via automation technological monopoly of global companies etc need to be acknowledged.  Political sanctions and Intellectual Property regimes restricting the sharing of technology It would restrict the flow of information needed for collaborating on International science and technology projects. Conclusion Technology is seen as a driver for both power and legitimacy in the areas of foreign affairs and diplomacy. Therefore it is important for developing countries to be adequately prepared to tackle these emerging technologies and protect their interests Junior Science Refresher buy.

Junior Science Refresher

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no   110 A study predicted that if intrusions such as roads continue at the current rate vital heterozygosity (genetic variability) would decrease by as much as 50% in the next century. Steps taken  Night traffic bans have been imposed on various highways passing from Bandipur National Park Mudumalai Tiger Reserve Gir National Park etc.  In 2018 the National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) made it mandatory for every roadrail project proposal to include a wildlife passage plan as per guidelines framed by Wildlife Institute of India.  In 2019 the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways asked National Highways Authority of India and states to avoid building highways through wildlife sanctuaries and national parks unless absolutely unavoidable. o In exceptional cases design should factor in structures such as underpasses fencing monkey ladders and noise barriers.  Commissioning of underpasses for animals E.g. 37km elevated stretch of highway on the Seoni (Madhya Pradesh)Nagpur (Maharashtra) sector of the national highway 44 passing through the Pench Tiger Reserve. This provides five underpasses and four minor bridges to ensure that movement of animals is not disrupted Shine india monthly magazine buy. 

Shine india monthly magazine

Friday, July 15, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  27 Aadhaar collects only four pieces of personal information – name age gender and address – along with biometric data.  In addition Aadhaar has created new features such as virtual IDs that help protect an individuals privacy.  An important objective of Aadhaar has been to improve the ability of the state to provide efficient transparent and targeted delivery of welfare services to a large number of residents who depend on it. Key findings of the report  Getting Aadhaar Enrolment and Updates o Positives Aadhaar is Indias most ubiquitous form of ID today which provided the first identity document for an estimated 6570 million individuals. Some states have achieved enrolment levels higher than 99%. Assam and Meghalaya are exceptions with enrolment levels under 50%. o Concerns A sizable minority of adults and children still do not have Aadhaar. Some of those enrolled in Aadhaar have errors in their ID fingerprint authentication fails for a significant share of transactions.  Using Aadhaar o Positives Aadhaar is becoming Indias default ID. Those who have Aadhaar use it regularly and across multiple services. 80% of respondents felt that Aadhaar had improved the reliability of governmentfunded welfare services. o Concerns Still marginalised groups face Aadhaarrelated exclusion from services. Moreover nearly 34% of Indians worry about linking Aadhaar to too many services and fear losing access to a service because of it. For example Around 0.8% of people experienced exclusion due to Aadhaarrelated reasons from a key welfare service (PDS MGNREGS social pensions) which they had earlier received.  Similarly not only a family members Aadhaar is required for most school enrolments in some cases Aadhaar affected childrens access to welfare. For example An estimated 15 million children missed out on one or more midday meals because of difficulties with Aadhaar Shine india monthly magazine buy. 

Shine india monthly magazine

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no  94 Understanding and managing the intangibility of assetsThe idea of virtual assets creates several questions likewho will own these assets are these assets transferable across platforms and what about the associated copyright issues.  Protecting the vulnerableThe vulnerable section i.e children senior citizens and digitally unaware among others are more vulnerable to influences of the metaverse environment. E.g hyperreality experiences could trigger a sensory overload and induce fits or seizures in users who have a disorder like epilepsy.  Creating a new class of haves and have notsThe current rate of technological adoption in the form of Internet of Things (IoT) 5G Technology etc. has aggravated the socioeconomic divide. The prevalence of metaverse could create further divide due to economic capacity urbanrural gaps etc. The most important ethical issue among these is to ensure that the digital lives of the participants and connectedly their real life is not subconsciously dictated by the platform or the interacting interface. Principles that could guide ethics of the metaverse It is evident that the rights principles and doctrines of the real world may not completely translate to the digital realm. But following principles could make metaverse a more understandable safe and inclusive space Do no harmEnabling testing environments which ensure that the effects of its experience are not harmful. o A corollary of this principle is to avoid creating content that objectifies demeans or violates the rights of humans or animals Banking services chronicle buy. 

Banking services chronicle

shine india magazine

shine india magazine

shine india magazine Published this article page no  83 CLASSICAL LANGUAGE  Recently Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Sahitya Sammelan passed a resolution demanding the declaration of Marathi as a Classical language. o The Sammelan is an annual conference of Marathi writers and was started in 1878. o It has been headed by leading Marathi intellectuals including Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III of Baroda and Prahlad Keshav Acharya Atre.  Currently six languages enjoy the Classical status Tamil (declared in 2004) Sanskrit (2005) Kannada (2008) Telugu (2008) Malayalam (2013) and Odia (2014).  As per Ministry of Culture the guidelines for declaring a language as Classical are o High antiquity of its early textsrecorded history over a period of 15002000 years o A body of ancient literaturetexts which is considered a valuable heritage by generations of speakers o The literary tradition be original and not borrowed from another speech community o The classical language and literature being distinct from modern there may also be a discontinuity between the classical language and its later forms or its offshoots.  Benefits accrued to a classical language are o Two major annual international awards for scholars of eminence in classical Indian languages are given. o A Centre of Excellence for studies in Classical Languages is set up. o The University Grant Commission (UGC) awards research projects for promoting these languages and create a certain number of Professional Chairs for the Classical Languages in the Central Universities shine india magazine buy.

shine india magazine

Saturday, July 9, 2022

competition success review

competition success review

competition success review  Published this article page no   146 The frequency and timings of these raids and arrests have raised concerns over the independence of PMLA and its agency the Enforcement Directorate (ED).According to Some activists PMLA and ED are misused to attack opposition camps with political embarrassment.  147 Major AllegationsThe law is being Used for Ordinary Crimes.Lack of Transparency and Clarity The Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR)  an equivalent of the FIR  is considered an internal document and not given to the accused. What is Money Laundering? Money laundering is defined as the illegal process of converting money generated through criminal activities such as drug trafficking or terrorist funding to appear to have come from a legitimate source. The money from the criminal activity is considered dirty and the laundering process makes it look clean. About the Prevention of Money Laundering Act It was enacted as a response to Indias global commitment (including the Vienna Convention) to curb the menace of money laundering. Objectives of the Act PMLA was enacted in 2002 and it came into force in 2005 to curb money laundering (process of converting black money into white) and to provide for seizure of property derived from moneylaundering. There are mainly 3 objectives of PMLA 1. To prevent and control money laundering. 2. To confiscate and seize the property obtained from the laundered money. 3. To deal with any other issue connected with money laundering in India. Dispute redressal competition success review buy.

competition success review

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Junior Science refresher

Junior Science refresher

Junior Science refresher Published this article page no 147  Exceptions Legislators may change their party without the risk of disqualification in certain circumstances. o The law allows a party to merge with or into another party provided that at least twothirds of its legislators are in favour of the merger. o If a person is elected as the speaker of Lok Sabha or the Chairman of Rajya Sabha then he could resign from his party and rejoin the party once he demits that post. o It must be noted here that the provision of the Tenth Schedule pertaining to exemption from disqualification in case of split by onethird members of legislature party has been deleted by the 91st Amendment Act of 2003. 10Deciding authority Any question regarding disqualification arising out of defection is to be decided by the presiding officer of the House.Rulemaking power The presiding officer of a House is empowered to make rules to give effect to the provisions of the Tenth Schedule. What is the need for an antidefection law?  Political stability It provides for greater stability in the body politic by checking the propensity of legislators to change parties. Uncontrolled HorseTrading and corruption negatively influences the working of the legislature and executive and ultimately affects the progress of the country as a whole. o Considering nascent nature of our democracy and the political defections indiscriminately taking place in India the antidefection law is an inevitability to ensure smooth functioning of parliamentary system Junior Science refresher buy.

Junior Science refresher

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Master In Current Affairs Magazine Published this article page no  44 Institutional framework Government plans to notify certain medical institutes as Centers of Excellence for Rare Diseases. o Constituting an interministerial Consultative Committee at National Level to coordinate and oversee activities on rare diseases. o Constituting a Rare Diseases Cell within MoHFW ICMR and DoP in the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers.  Funding framework Creating a corpus fund at Central and State Level for rare diseases. o It recommends crowd funding as a source to fund treatment of rare diseases and advises hospitals to report such cases on digital platforms to gather funds.  Awareness generation developing materials for generating awareness in the general public patients and their families and for training of health care providers. Conclusion There is an immediate need to create awareness among general public patients and their families and doctors. Any policy on treatment of rare diseases will have to strike a balance between access to treatments and health system sustainability. In US Orphan Drugs Act provides incentives to drug manufacturers to encourage them to manufacture drugs for rare diseases and similar incentives are also provided in the UK and certain other developed countries.Similar steps can be taken in India Master In Current Affairs Magazine  buy. 

Master In Current Affairs Magazine