competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Sunday, July 24, 2022

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher Published this article page no 11 recognized by their tattooed faces they are traditional hunters and warriors but now their main occupation is agriculture.they were the last to give up the practice of headhunting severing heads of enemies after attacking rival tribes. hakkipikki tribehakkipikki are a nomadic tribe which migrated from northern india and now mainly settled in karnataka region and other south indian statesthey are known as bird catcher (hakki means bird and pikki means catcher in kannada language)they speak indo aryan language named as vaagri by scholars unesco has listed hakkipikki is one of the endangered they are mainly engaged in selling of herbal products like herbal oils katkari tribekatkari tribe is one of the 75 particularly vulnerable tribal groups living in areas of maharashtra and parts of gujarat  they are also known as kathodis because of their old occupation of making katha (catechu) the thickened sap from wood of khair( acacia catechu) General knowledge refresher buy.

General knowledge refresher

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