competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Published this article page no 49  Low bargaining power Indias share in high technology products in the global market is relatively low and its import of high technology products is increasing. This could affect its capability to develop soft power in the field. 18  Lack of existing bilateral agreements related to technology transfer IT sector etc. to strengthen global position of India in the field of emerging technology.  Policy uncertainty and structural challenges India faces varied issues like multiple regulators lack of coordination among departments absence of coherent and comprehensive domestic policy etc which can adversely affect Indias negotiating power on International platforms.  Aligning Indias domestic interests with foreign policy While India is expected to benefit substantially with emergence of new technologies in the fields of governance defense research etc issues like job loss via automation technological monopoly of global companies etc need to be acknowledged.  Political sanctions and Intellectual Property regimes restricting the sharing of technology It would restrict the flow of information needed for collaborating on International science and technology projects. Conclusion Technology is seen as a driver for both power and legitimacy in the areas of foreign affairs and diplomacy. Therefore it is important for developing countries to be adequately prepared to tackle these emerging technologies and protect their interests Junior Science Refresher buy.

Junior Science Refresher

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